Dustin M.'s Personal Beliefs and Views


According to the SelectSmart.com Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Secular Humanism. What do you believe? Visit SelectSmart.com/RELIGION



"When the views entertained in this volume ... are generally admitted, we can dimly foresee that there will be a considerable revolution in natural history."

- Charles Darwin,
The Origin of Species [1859]


I am a strong believer in Evolution. Please note that this does not make me either a Satanist or an atheist; I am actually an agnostic Secular Humanist. This web page is here to provide factual, scientific information on the topics of Evolution and Darwinism. It is my hope that this oasis of fact will prove to be informative to those individuals trying to swim through the vast ocean of disinformation, propaganda, and zeolotry on the subject.

All of the information listed below is directly quoted from the Talk.origins web site. Talk.origins is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation / evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the origin of life, geology, biology, catastrophism, cosmology and theology.

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
This essay is a must-read for anyone who wants to participate in talk.origins. It lays out the land for evolutionists and creationists alike, presenting the ideas behind and the evidence for biological evolution.
What is Evolution?
All too often creationists spend their time arguing with a straw-man caricature of evolution. This brief essay presents a definition of evolution that is acceptable to evolutionists.
Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Biologists consider evolution to be a fact in much the same way that physicists do so for gravity. However, the mechanisms of evolution are less well understood, and it is these mechanisms that are described by several theories of evolution.
Darwinism: What is it?
Do Darwinism and natural selection really conflict with what is now know about evolution?



Chronicles of Kralizec!
