Star the Cat's Photo Album

While taking Friday on her daily walk one late September afternoon in 2002, Julie and I decided to take a different route and cross the farmer's field rather than go around it. As we walked down the freshly cut rows of corn, we heard a strange squeaking come from the un-harvested portion of the field. With Friday's excellent canine hearing and sense of smell, she quickly discovered the source: a tiny, half-starved, mite-infested, abandoned kitten! Our intention was to take her to an animal shelter, but despite Julie's cat allergies, this zany little kitten pounced her way into our hearts. The rest, they say, is history.  :-)

As a kitten, Star was all white except for a patch of grey at her crown. However as she aged, the grey faded and she is now almost pure white. Despite being, well ... cats and dogs, Star and Friday are the best of friends. During her first winter, whenever Star got cold she would curl up with Friday in the dog bed. As both a kitten and an adult cat, Star will often walk up to Friday and rub against her until Friday starts grooming Star (something Friday is all too willing to do). In fact, their relationship is so close, we often joke that Star thinks Friday is her "momma cat."

Here are some of Star's pictures. Click on the thumbnail to see the larger photograph. Additional photos can be found on our new picture sharing site:

Naps are better with friends (especially in nice warm sunbeams).
Napping with Xander. Normally Xander is far too noisy for Star. However she was willing to make a rare exception in order to nap on the comfy bed.
What is all that racket? Star comes to investigate the mysterious new source of noise ...
Special delivery Special delivery!
Baby arrivith. "I'm the baby ... gotta love me!"
Star's perch Star's favourite perch is the window in the back of the kitchen. She may not like going outside, but she sure loves watching everything that goes on in the yard.
Anything good up here ... ? Since Star joined our household, Lois, our hanging spider plant, has become "self trimming." Funny that.
curiosity did what ... ? Star showing off her curious side.
Ahhh ... that feels good! "I am Star, Empress of the family. You will go forth and bring me tasty treats. After that you will scratch my belly."
Best friends. Best friends.
zzzz ... Nap time for the moggy.
Who needs camo?!? Sometimes Star likes to sneak outside when we take the dog out. We have to be careful to keep good track of her, because as you can see, finding a white kitty during a snow storm can be quite the challenge!
You all look so different from up here ... Star often likes seeing things from a different perspective. Of course getting down again is the hard part.
Pals Star was quite fascinated with Julie's guinea pig, Nibbler. She often spent hours watching Nibbler and sometimes even took naps in the space behind his cage. Star moped for days after her friend Nibbler died.
Fishing time! Star also enjoys going fishing on occasion.
Christmas time! Christmas can be hard work.
Wrestling with the momma cat! Star often enjoys wresting with the momma cat.
oooh ... pretty lights! The moggy stares in rapt fascination at my parent's Christmas tree.
nap time for kitty For a change of pace, Star enjoys napping on the top of the couch.
travel ... bad! Spending the weekend at Julie's parent's house, we quickly discovered that like most cats, Star does not enjoy traveling!
catching rays! One of Star's favourite activities is catching rays on the couch in the sun room.
Star, our new addition Star likes being groomed by Friday, her "momma cat."
kitty in the forrest Julie snapped this photo of Star even before we decided to adopt her into our family. The giant sequoias she is hiding between are actually daddy's legs as he brushes his teeth while getting ready for work one morning.

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