Zanesville Gang - Group Shot Album

I moved away from my home town of Zanesville, Ohio in 1991 when I left for college. When I got my first camera in late 1995, it only seamed natural to snap a few photos of my friends to take back to school with me. At first my friends thought it was strange that I was taking pictures of them, however they eventually just chocked it up to another one of my idiosyncrasies. After a couple of years I realized that the reason they rarely took pictures of each other was because they saw each other so often (only a handful of us have moved outside south-eastern Ohio). With that realization in mind, I appointed myself group photographer / photo-historian and now strive to take pictures at every event and informal get-together I can attend. Sometimes I inadvertently annoy people when I gallop off to get a good angle or blind them with my flash, but everyone always seams to love looking through my picture albums and they especially love it when I distribute the doubles of my photos!

Here is a small sampling of the many photographs I have taken of our extended gang of Zanesville friends. This album is composed of group photos I have taken over the years at some of our rather lively events. I should note that I have intentionally excluded all of the more risqué, wild, and/or incriminating pictures. You have to come to my house and peruse my albums yourself to see those.  :-)

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the photograph. Additional photos can be found on our new picture sharing site:

Date: 2007.11.17
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Second Annual Winter Man Camping Trip '07
People: left to right: Andy, Marc, Jon, Jeff, Dustin M., (my brother-in-law) Mike, Clint
More Photos: Winter Man Camping 2007
Date: 2007.08.18
Location: Rafting the Mohican River
Event: August Trip XI: Mohican Adventures
People: red canoe from front: Jeff, Abby, Diana; blue canoe: Holly, Lucas, Nicholas, Andy; front yellow canoe: Jake, Danny; rear yellow canoe: Shannon, Dawnise
More Photos: August Trip 2007: Mohican, Ohio - Rafting the Mohican River
Date: 2007.07.14
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Manly Man Camping Trip '07
People: front row on the grass: Dustin M., Jon, Marc, Jeff, Danny; back row on the porch: (Marc's friend) Jeremy, Clint, Lee, Sam (wearing the sacred Satan Tortilla shirt), Joe, (my brother-in-law) Mike
More Photos: Man Camping 2007
Date: 2007.03.24
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: '07 Myers Game Fest II
People: left to right: Clint, Marc, Julie, Jeff, Dustin M.
More Photos: Myers Game Fest - A Game of Thrones
Date: 2006.11.25
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Jeff and Diana's post-Thanksgiving get-together
People: left to right standing: Dustin M., Clint, Lee, Sam, Jeff, Andy, Danny; sitting: Abby (being held by), Diana, Heather, Holly
More Photos: Myers Thanksgiving Gathering 2006
Date: 2006.11.19
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: First Annual Winter Man Camping Trip '06
People: left to right proudly holding their bowls of campfire beef stew: Clint, Marc, Jeff, Jon, Dustin M.
More Photos: Winter Man Camping 2006
Date: 2006.10.14
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: hay wagon ride at Weenie Roast XVIII
People: left side from the back: Julia (holding), Adrian, Julie (holding), Zoë, Holly (holding), Nicholas, Heather, Marc, Danny (or at least the top of his shorn pate); center: Maria, Xander; right side from the back: Lucas, Andy, Dawnise (holding), Maggie, Diana (holding), Abby, Clint
More Photos: Weenie Roast 2006
Date: 2005.08.14
Location: Ash Cave complex in Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio
Event: August Trip IX: Hocking Hills
People: left to right: Diana, Julie (carrying), Maggie, Abby (being carried by), Jeff, Xander (sitting), Lucas (being held by), Andy, Holly (carrying), Nicholas, Clint, Lee, Zoë (being carried by), Dustin M.
More Photos: August Trip 2005: Hocking Hills - Hocking Hills State Park
Date: 2005.08.13
Location: Goldilocks Cabin near Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio
Event: August Trip IX: Hocking Hills
People: left to right: Holly, Dawnise, Dustin M. Andy (leaning on), Jeff, Lee, Diana (being probed by), Clint
More Photos: August Trip 2005: Hocking Hills - Debauching and Rebauching
Date: 2005.06.25
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Manly Man Camping Trip '05
People: front row on the grass: Lee, Danny, Jeff; back row on the porch: Clint, Sam (wearing the sacred Satan Tortilla shirt), Dustin M., Marc, Jon, Joe
More Photos: Man Camping 2005
Date: 2004.08.21
Location: The Antlers Restaurant in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Event: August Trip VIII: Sault Ste. Marie
People: left side, from front: Lee, Pam, Clint; right side, from front: Xander (being held by), Julie, Dustin M., Dawnise, Jeff
More Photos: August Trip 2003: Sault Ste. Marie - Antlers Restaurant, Soo Lock Boat Tour: Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Date: 2004.08.21
Location: Casino Sault Ste. Marie in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Event: August Trip VIII: Sault Ste. Marie
People: left to right: Dustin M., Clint, Julie (with a contraband Talkaboot), Dawnise, Lee, Jeff
More Photos: August Trip 2003: Sault Ste. Marie - Spruce Haven Zoo, Sault Ste. Marie Casino: Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Date: 2004.08.20
Location: Bridal Veil Falls at the Agawa Canyon Park in Ontario
Event: August Trip VIII: Sault Ste. Marie
People: front row kneeling: Dustin M., Diana, Jeff; back row standing: Lucas (being held by), Andy, Clint, Julie, Holly, Xander (in Julie's arms), Nicholas (in Holly's arms), Pam, Dawnise, Lee
More Photos: August Trip 2003: Sault Ste. Marie - Agawa Canyon Tour Train: Ontario
Date: 2004.06.19
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Manly Man Camping Trip '04
People: front row sitting: Marc, Sam, Lee, Clint, Joe; back row kneeling: Danny, Dustin M., John, Andy
More Photos: Man Camping 2004
Date: 2003.12.28
Location: Jones home in Waldorf, Maryland
Event: hospital visit with Rod
People: left to right: Dustin M., Diana , Jeff, Pam, Dawnise, Marc, Joel
More Photos: Jones Visit: Waldorf, MD
Date: 2003.12.27
Location: Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland
Event: hospital visit with Rod
People: left to right: Jeff, Dustin M., Rod, Marc, Dawnise
More Photos: Taylor Hospital Visit: Baltimore, MD
Date: 2002.08.24
Location: in front of a Vietnam-era Bell Huey 204 UH1B at the Indiana Military Museum near Vincennes, Indiana
Event: August Trip VI: Indiana
People: front row sitting: Holly, Andy, Lucas (sitting on dad's lap), Pam, Joel, Julie; middle row kneeling: Clint; back row standing: Danny, Jeff, Diana, Dustin M. (and his barmah hat), Dawnise, Lee, Jake, Shannon
Date: 2002.06.22
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Co-ed Camping Trip '02
People: front row kneeling: Dawnise, Marc, Danny, Pam, Lee, Julie; back row standing: Jeff, Sam (wearing the sacred Satan Tortilla shirt), Holly, Diana, Andy, Jon (wrapped around), Crystal, Dustin M.
Date: 2001.08.19
Location: Toledo Museum of Art in Toledo, Ohio
Event: August Trip V: Lake Erie islands
People: left to right: Clint, Lee, Pam, Joel, Dawnise, Diana, Jeff, Dustin M., Julie, Holly, Andy, Lucas (in stroller)
Date: 2001.08.17
Location: Ramsey home in Scotch Ridge, Ohio
Event: August Trip V: Lake Erie islands
People: left to right: Joel, Pam, Dawnise, Jeff, Andy (standing), Diana, Holly (holding), Lucas, Dustin M., Julie
Date: 2001.07.28
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Manly Man Camping Trip '01
People: sitting on tailgate: Clint, Marc, Jon (and his sunburn); standing on left: Lee, Danny, Dustin M. (and his roasting pole); standing on right: Sam (and his jug), Scott; sitting on truck cab: Andy, Jeff
Date: 2001.05.27
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Memorial Day party
People: left to right: Pam, Julie, Dawnise, Holly, Maria (being held by), Julia, ??, Sam, Matt (or at least the top of his head), Andy, Jeff, Diana
Date: 2000.10.15
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Weenie Roast XII
People: front laying: Andy; front sitting: Dustin M., Dawnise, Jon, Diana (looking hungry), Jeff (looking tasty); standing: Julie, Marc, Heather (mostly hidden behind Marc's shoulder), Chris, Molly, Holly (or at least her two fingers), Brian, Jodee, Shannon, C.J., Sam, Lee, Clint, Rod
Date: 2000.08.20
Location: Camp lodge near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Event: August Trip IV: Gettysburg
People: front sitting: Pam, Diana, Holly, Dawnise, Julie; back standing: Dustin M., Andy, Lee, Clint, Rod, Jeff
Date: 2000.08.19
Location: Cemetery Hill at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Event: August Trip IV: Gettysburg
People: left to right: Dustin M., Diana, Julie, Jeff, Pam, Rod, Clint, Holly, Lee, Dawnise, Andy
Date: 1999.08.21
Location: in front of the White House on the National Mall in Washington D.C.
Event: August Trip III: Washington D.C.
People: left to right: Lee, Dawnise (front), Andy, Clint, Julie (front), Pam, Julia, Holly (front), Diana, Sam, Rod, Jeff
Date: 1999.08.21
Location: National Mall in Washington D.C.
Event: August Trip III: Washington D.C.
People: front row: Pam; second row: Holly, Rod; third row: Dawnise (standing), Julia, Dustin M. (middle), Jeff, Lee (half-standing); standing in back row: Clint, Sam, Diana, Andy
Date: 1999.08.21
Location: Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Event: August Trip III: Washington D.C.
: left to right: Clint, Lee, Holly, Dawnise, Pam, Julia, Rod, Julie, Jeff, Sam, Andy, Diana
Date: 1999.07.17
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Manly Man Camping Trip '99
People: standing in front of the truck: Clint, Lee, Andy, Jon (apparently sharing a moment with Andy), Marc (and his flashlight), Sam, Dustin M. (and his glow-in-the-dark legs); standing on the truck bed: C.J., Rod, Jeff
Date: 1999.06.26
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Co-ed Camping Trip '99
People: front: Sam (wearing the sacred Satan Tortilla shirt), Julie, Lee, Marc, Dustin M., Julia; standing in the truck bed: Clint, Jeff (with his bow-saw)
Date: 1999.01.01
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: New Year's Eve '98
People: left to right: Julia, Nikki, Marc, Andy (only his white hat is visible), Adam (sitting on top), Dawnise, Susan, Ed, Rod, Julie, Pam (half hidden behind Jeff), Jeff (with his pointy finger), Dustin M., Sam (and his bottle of beer), Clint, Alysha, Thom 
Date: 1998.08.23
Location: Pizza Hut near Beckley, West Virginia
Event: August Trip II: white water rafting in West Virginia
People: left side, from front: Rod, Pam, Diana, Jeff; back: Dawnise; right side, from front: Lee, Dustin M., Sam; front: Julia
Date: 1998.08.23
Location: the first big rapid on our three hour trip down the New River in West Virginia
Event: August Trip II: white water rafting in West Virginia
People: left side, from front: Diana, Jeff, Sam, Dustin M., and Pam; right side, from front: Dawnise, Julia, Rod, Lee, and Bryan our guide
Note: this photo was taken by the rafting company, not Dustin M.
Date: 1998.08.22
Location: atop the 69ft high, 2000 year old Adena Indian burial mound located in Moundsville, West Virginia
Event: August Trip II: white water rafting in West Virginia
People: left to right: Dustin M., Dawnise, Julia, Diana, Jeff, Lee, Sam
Date: 1998.05.25
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: Memorial Day party
People: left to right: Dustin M., Clint, Sam, Julia, Jeff, Diana, Andy, Holly
Date: 1997.10.11
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
Event: building people pyramids at Weenie Roast IX
People: standing on the left: Marc; standing on the right: Scott; bottom row: Todd, Mitch, Danny, Rod; second row: Jeff, Andy, C.J.; third row: Julia, Holly; top row: Dawnise
Date: 1997.08.23
Location: Guntown Mountain Amusement Park near Cave City, Kentucky
Event: August Trip I: Mammoth Caves
People: sitting on the step: Diana, Clint, Dustin M.; sitting on the landing: two strange people, Rod, Sam, Jeff, Christy, Scott; in the back on the bench: three strange people, Marc, Susan, Lee, two more strange people
Date: 1997.05.23
Location: hotel complex in Tallmadge, Ohio
Event: preparing to depart for Marc & Susan's wedding
People: left to right: Sam, Jeff, Marc, Dustin M., Joe
Date: 1997.05.23
Location: hotel complex in Tallmadge, Ohio
: the morning before Marc & Susan's wedding
People: front sitting: Clint, Joe, Julie; back standing: Julie, Diana, Lee, Sam, Ed, Shelly, Jeff, Marc
Date: 1997.05.17
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
: Marc's bachelor's party
People: left to right: Sam, Clint, Ed (obviously having a fun time with his hand), Jon, Dustin M., Lee, Jeff, Marc, and Scott
Date: 1994.06.??
Location: Myers farm near Zanesville, Ohio
: Jeff's bachelor's party
People: front sitting: Danny, Jeff, Sam, Scott; back standing: Lee, Marc, Todd, Ed, Jon; hiding in the background: Clint (the guy with the glasses and white baseball cap between Todd and Marc), Eric (the vaguely flesh-colored lump over Todd's left shoulder, I guess he wasn't quite ready for the picture), Andy (the guy with glasses, right behind Ed, holding up a cup of Bud Ice), and Aaron (well armed spirit glowering about the area)
Note: I took this photo with someone else's camera back before I owned a camera

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