Started Gang Task Force/Youth Violence Prevention Program - funded by grant.  Began Drug Abuse Prevention Calendar Contest. Initiated Peer Mediation Program in Schools - funded by grant. Formed Victim/Witness Assistance Program - funded by grant. Cellular phone program for victims at risk (donated by 360). Sexual Abuse Prevention Project. Supporter of all county D.A.R.E. programs. Computer expansion project - funded by grant. | |
POLICE - annual training on search/seizure and new laws. PROSECUTORS - Trainer at Statewide Prosecutor training.  CHILD PROTECTION WORKERS - trainer at Statewide conference. D.A.R.E. OFFICERS - speaker for Ohio D.A.R.E. Officer conference. TEACHERS - on gangs and youth violence prevention. TEACHERS - Annual Early Childhood Conference at BGSU on child abuse. LOCAL OFFICIALS - on various legal issues. TOWNSHIP ZONING OFFICIALS - regarding Zoning Law. BUSINESS OWNERS - on business Protection Matters. PARENTS - on gang awareness. BLOCK WATCH GROUPS - on various issues. STUDENTS - Gang and violence resistance. | |
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